Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Me, You, Taylor Swift and Kanye West

These days, when one mentions the VMA's, the first thing to pop into your head is "Kanye West and Taylor Swift!" After all, who could forget that horribly embarrassing moment when a boozy Kanye interrupted poor, meek Taylor in the middle of her acceptance speech, stating that no, her music video was not the best! Beyonce's was! (No one between the ages of 10 and 18, that's who.) I myself did not witness the event live, as it was aired, as many of my peers and friends did (I was instead, most likely, working hard to delude myself into thinking that I did not in fact have any homework), and so the next day i went on the magical search engine that is Youtube to find it. I typed in 'Kanye West and Taylor Swift', hit search, and immediately roughly fifteen THOUSAND videos popped up.
I clicked on what sounded like a promising video, "KANYE WEST DISSES TAYLOR SWIFT AT VMA'S", only to find that it was not in fact that video -- it was some boy saying how disgusted he was with Kanye (in between flips of his stylishly long hair). I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at this poor emotionally-involved kid as he dissed Kanye for dissing Taylor, defending the country singer in his 1 minute video, and then frown in annoyance because it was not the video his title said it was. But, oh well -- on to the next video! "Kanye West disses Taylor Swift 2009 MTV Video Music Awards VMAS". And - same thing. Some blond kid who asks viewers in a little annotation if we think he looks like the ShamWow guy bad mouthing Kanye in what is in fact his second video on the subject. My frown deepened. Who cares if you look like the ShamWow guy?! He's in jail! Why would you want to?! And why would anyone want to listen to YOU blather on about how big a jerk Kanye is?? We know he's insensitive and obviously not very fond of Taylor Swift's music videos, but why would we need you to tell us that?
With each video I clicked on it was the same story -- some teenage girl (but, oddly enough, mostly boys (I suppose they're all half in love with Taylor and felt it was their duty to defend her honor)) going on and on about how big a jerk Kanye is, and poor, poor Taylor Swift. Boo-hoo-hoo. To say that I was annoyed was not exactly accurate; I was, for one, frustrated because I STILL had yet to see the actual 'dissing', and not some commentary on it, but I was also extremely amused. It struck me as extremely funny that so many people had posted up videos with the soul purpose of angrily calling Kanye various profanities. I mean, honestly -- who cared? Sure it was a terrible thing to have happened, but was it the end of the world? Obviously not. My own interest in the matter ended as soon as i finally found some 49 second clip of Kanye snatching the mike away from the open mouthed and confused Taylor, clutching her little trophy. Other's, not so much. The videos kept being made, more profanity was espoused over the matter, and more people who felt that they too had been offended by Kanye posted up videos saying as much. Facebook underwent the same trend as people changed their status from 'tired, I wish school was overrr!!!! :P <3 id="SPELLING_ERROR_34" class="blsp-spelling-error">Kanye West is such a jerk! He should be beat over the head with a (insert your implement of choice) until he passes out!'
Again, Whoa.
Surprise was rejoined by amusement as I wondered why people bothered. Honestly, no one cares that you chose a 2-by4 with a rusty nail sticking out of it! (Although that does say much about your character...) No one cares that you are the twelve thousandth one hundred and sixty first person to agree with user name 'DayTimeJeff' (a.k.a. ShamWow kid) that 'I love Taylor Swift! Kanye is such a bully! He should no better than to get drunk on the red carpet and then embarrass people!' So why? Why would so many people change their status to state the best way to torture speech interrupters, post up embarrassing videos and leave ridiculous comments? Freedom of speech allows them to, but why would they want to? And, i came to this conclusion: Honestly, I have no idea.


  1. i dont know why, but when i posted this up, some error message appeared in the middle of it at the part about the facebook, sorry for that. :)

  2. Christine, I love you! You're hilarious! :)
    By the very way you write and use colloquialism, I can even imagine myself hearing you say these things and the kind of emotion in your voice... Your commentary made me smile-- I had very much the same perspective on what happened! Overall, this is great writing :)

  3. I really like it! You are so frank about everything, and it comes of as very comical. In a good way, obviously. :) I agree with what you said, and your accurate examples were very fitting. :)
